
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Avoid coffee, chocolate, tea Grain Finished

Ubqari Magazine - July 2019

For diseases of lips: Brain core, pumpkin sweat, GOND KATEERA should be taken together and powder them and apply them on your lips and paste it on your lips before going to sleep. Now wash them with warm water in morning.

Readers you should not be miser and if you have tried any spiritual gimmick, prescription which have been tested and you saw the benefit of or saw some amazing incident or may be heard about it then pages of Ubqari are available for you. Never think your experiment as useless, no matter how they tiny they are. It could be a source of solution for someone else’s issue and for you it would be charity. Even if you write disorganized but write one side of page. We will proof read ourselves.

Eradication of genies smell from house

Respected Hazrat Sahib Asslamo Alikum! For last six to seven years there used to be severe smell in the house (as if burning wires, feeder, rotten meat or urine) Smell used to be start from outside the house and then spread in the house. We could not understand that where he comes from. Then one day we found out that it comes only from our house. And there exists no smell outside the house. We started to listen to your seminars in the house. One day in online seminar we heard “afhasabtum and Azaan procedure”. My mother started to recite it daily and used to do DUM and also ask us to do the same but we were lethargic about it. One day I was alone in the house and the smell started to come. I just recited the procedure in a bit high voice and blew in the air. As soon as I blew in air the smell finished instantly. My trust and believe on this procedure grew upon it a lot.

Sometimes at night at two pm there would be smell from my bed. I used to get up from bed and do the procedure instantly. God Al Mighty gave so much blessing and peace in this procedure that my folks used to call me that come quickly and do this procedure. As soon as I used to blow, instantly the smell used to finish. No matter it was night or day this kept on going for some time. Then gradually this smell finished. We were a severe victim of this magic but this thing helped us a lot. Regularly super natural things used to come in my dream and said don’t do Afhasabtum Aazan. Now I have memorized it by heart.


Lock of faces and liar tongues are shut

In one of the seminars you had told the procedure of lock of Bismillah for protection of things. Now we put a lock on everything even if they were not stolen or not and we used to tell everyone else about it instantly. By the grace of God, first of all nothing gets stolen and even if it does we find it instantly. I did this procedure on some people as well who spread rumors and wrong things and I used to think of their face and applied this lock on them. Believe you me, it was very beneficial. From mouth of these people all the rumors and false stuff were instantly closed. I am a sinner person. In the day I commit back biting and other sins which are 99% from my tongue. The moment I get up, I close my mouth and lock my face with BISMILLAH so that for whole day I would not do back biting or other rubbish stuff. It is the blessing of God there is some change now. I try to not to do back biting and if even if I am doing it then my mouth closes by itself. The lock of bismillah is that in one breath, say it completely 3 times and blow on anything.

Avoid Coffee, chocolate tea and acne finished

There used to be a lot of acne on my face and body. I consulted a lot of doctors; some gave me one medicine or other medicine but to no avail.  Every one used to say the same thing that there is heat in the stomach. I used to eat eggs often. Then someone told me to do some tricks that many people have acne on their face and body but if they avoid (egg yellow, coffee, chocolate and tea) then it will be very beneficial. I had done this procedure for a few days and pimples were completely finished. You can have egg white, no matter how much you want; there is no damage and also minimize oily things from your life.

Get True respect, value and love

Procedure of (کھیعص) in Ubqari

I once read in Ubqari magazine that recite first word of Surah MARIUM (کھیعص) and on every letter close one of your fingers ultimately your whole fist will close. Whenever you go in front of someone, new house , new place, interview , wherever you want to get your lawful thing to be accepted, for success in argument or debate , go there and open your fist.  These are very scared words.

I did this procedure for my principal and her tone completely became very soft and sweet for me. Rest of the teachers asked me how it happened. Then I instantly tell them my trick. Once time I went to an interview and told other girls this procedure because wealth is provided by fate. They used to give me a lot of prayers and a lot of their issues were solved. There was a marriage and some girls were rude. By luck I recited this procedure and (space for Arabic text) and blew on them.  I was so surprised that the moment those girls saw me they met with a lot of pleasure and we talked a lot. Undoubtedly in every God’s talk there is a lot of affect. (Eesha sayed, Multan)

They best thing is saying grace

The best thing is always to be thankful to God. If you will be saying thanks to God then God will increase HIS blessings upon you. This is the promise from God, we believe in people’s promises but we should see by once believing the promise of God.

Procedure: No matter how you thank your God, the promise of God shall remain with you. But there is a certain way which is my favorite. And it is like this that after saying your prayer you should do a bow of thanks before God. If you can then do 3 bows then say first bow is for all things you have blessed with. Then bow before God then say that I do bow of thanks for blessings which YOU are giving me. Then do bow of thanks for those blessings that YOU will provide me with in future then for those which YOU will give me hereafter.  If you say all these thanks for all these blessings then hopefully God will say that he or She has so much belief of my heaven and all those blessing and saying thanks from now then may be God AL mighty will like this habit of yours,. Then it is promise of God that if you thank.

The more you thank the more you will be rewarded. This way the blessing of hereafter will increase.

Recite Drood Shareef and recite a lot

By reciting Drood Shareef one time God removes 10 sins, 10 levels are alleviated and 10 blissful deeds are rewarded. If someone gets Allah Almighty’s even one blessing then it would be enough for him, in this world and hereafter. So if someone recites 1000 times Drood Shareef then just think how many blessings will be rewarded to him, Drood Shareef has so many blessings but those that are remembered by me, I will present it before readers of Ubqari.

Whoever recites Drood Shareef Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will get his forgiveness and Day of Judgment. Whoever recites drood shareef in excess will not die till he sees his place in heaven. He will die on his faith. He will see Prophet ﷺ in dream. Whoever sees prophet ﷺ with actual faith has hell forbidden on him. Wealth shall increase; he will get wealth from such a source which would be unimaginable. Now anyone can guess that. If someone wants success in heaven and hell then he should recite Drood Shareef in excess as a WAZIFA . Drood Shareef has so many blessings which are not only uncountable but impossible.

Crime does not pay

Readers this is a 100 % true incident in tehseel klor kot neighborhood ariayan where two horse riders were going through neighborhood while talking with each other. Two people living in the same neighborhood were sitting in the street. One of the horse riders pointed at one of the house and whispered something to other horse rider who instantly looked at that house. Two persons sitting in the street were looking at them. One of them signaled at the horsey riders to come to them. When they did he took them to his house and offered them food then asked them tea. When they got free from supper and asked for permission to leave. Then one of the hosts asked them to return the jewelry. Horse riders surprisingly asked which jewelries

Those men said jewelry told them that jewelry which you had stolen from this house 7 years back. Horse rider asked what you mean exactly. Host said of all the houses you had hinted towards our house and none of the hundreds of house present in the neighborhood. Why did your friend look at our house instantaneously, 7 years back jewelry which was stolen from this house must have been stolen by you and then you signaled towards this house and told your friend that this is the same house . That’s why your friend looked at this house instantly by turning around. When horse riders saw that there is no way to save themselves from these people. Then these horse riders themselves fell to the feet of these people and accepted their crime. It is true crime never pays.

Muhamamd zeeshan arif clor coat

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